Arkham Horror: Tall Tales Challenge #5, Community RSS Feed & Future Competition.

Hello Investigators! Great news. To the left of the blog you can now find RSS listings for all your favourite contributors to the Arkham Horror community. Really Simple Syndication allows the feed to constantly update with all the communities latest blogs, videos and podcasts, with their last 3 updates appearing under every channel. I love HTML coding, but Blogger has saved me a great deal in time getting this up and running. Such an amazing innovation!

There hasn't been an open forum to find everything you may ever need to delve into the wonders of the Arkham Horror community. To help with rules, watch let's plays or see the latest spoiled content outside of discord forums, many new players and even Veterans find it challenging to follow everything the community has to offer. Until now! Here you can find it all. Constantly updating thanks to the power of RSS. 

Top billing will change randomly or based on topics i really want the community to experience. So you will all get your time at the top. For the time being it is all in alphabetical order. Future updates to this blog will include a page with all content provided at one locale linked to this page. Stay tuned!

Feeling left out? If you think your content should be up on this blog, please contact me through Discord, Reddit, Facebook and Twitter under the moniker Doovies. I would be more than happy to add to this list! All you need to do is provide me a link to the media source and i can do the rest.


Last week tasked you with been as silent as you can in the Miskatonic Museum. make too much noise and fail a test, and the Hunting Horror instantly sought you out! Whilst evading was a good strategy, mitigating failure was also very important. Many challengers took it upon themselves to include test less clue gathering cards to help them succeed.

And now onto Challenge #5! We are taking a break from the Dunwich Legacy for now and heading deep into the South American Jungles. Your task is to fill your victory display. Victory or vengeance matters not. Gather 9 points in total whilst still gaining a favourable resolution. You will have to adapt your deck to both gathering clues as well as dispatching the snakes that slither all around you in order to complete this challenge.

 Will William Yorrick brave the oppressive jungles in order to get a head start? Or maybe a Mysticwill Delve too Deep? The choice is yours!


"Investigators! The great Halls of Celephaïs have been emptied for now and the great recorders of dreams have been exhausted. Can you help fill these records again with great and wondrous tales?"

We will be holding a competition in the coming weeks for you to submit your own Challenge to the masses! Subscribe to this blog to get a head start! Only subscribers will be eligible to enter and have a chance to win. Who knows, it might be you that gets lucky!

You can reach me on Discord, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and ArkhamDB under the moniker Doovies. Please feel more than free to post your decks, discuss methods of play or tell me how much you enjoy Arkham Horror: Tall Tales. Consider subscribing above as well to stay up to date with the challenges by e-mail.
